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Elsham Parish Council
The official website for the Parish Council
An online destination for news and information about all aspects of village life.
Residents are always welcome at Parish Council meetings, which will be advertised on this website and on the notice board.
The Council
Parish Notices
Elsham Village
Elsham Village
Elsham is a small village in North Lincolnshire, 5 miles from the market town of Brigg. The name is Anglo-Saxon in origin, appearing as Elsham in the Domesday Book dated 1086. The village is very proud of its association with the RAF – Elsham Wold was an active air base in both world wars. In the Second World War, squadrons 103 and 576 were housed at Elsham, flying Wellington, Halifax and Lancaster aircraft. There is a memorial and museum at the location of the former airfield at Anglian Water on Middlegate Lane, and a model of a Lancaster outside the village hall, with 11 poppies, one for each of the names on the village War Memorial from World War I.
Elsham Parish Council dates back to 1894, and meetings are held in the village hall on the third Tuesday of the month – please see the Meetings page for further details. A maximum of seven councillors can serve on the council, a number unchanged from that first meeting in 1894.
Just outside the village is Elsham Hall Country Park, owned by the Elwes family since 1931. Amenities within the village include a play park, incorporating play equipment for children and gym equipment for adults, an active village hall, the Elsham Nature Reserve, which is a landscaped former quarry, and All Saints’ Church. The parish council works hard to maintain the facilities it is responsible for, and to keep the village an attractive and pleasant place to live. We enter the Best-Kept Village competition every year and have won first place more than once, as well as awards for the churchyard and play park. See individual pages for more detailed information on all of the facilities.
We are always pleased to hear from residents, so if you have any comments or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us via our clerk, Holly Hanson, by emailing clerk@elshamparishcouncil.gov.uk.
Parish Notices
The next meeting of Elsham Parish Council is on Tuesday 21st January 2024
Parish Clerk Vacancy.
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Chairman’s Report
Read the report on the work of Elsham Parish Council over the last year.
Report It
Report potholes, drainage issues, flytipping and more to North Lincs Council.

The Council
The Parish Council consists of up to seven elected or co-opted Parish Councillors…
The Council usually meet on the third Tuesday of the month in Elsham Village Hall…
Policies and documents published by the Parish Council are available here…
The Parish Council produces financial reports that are available to the public…